Merit Legal Solicitors


Our principal service to clients is commercial litigation and dispute resolution. The full range of services that we provide to clients are set out elsewhere on this website. All services that we provide are currently charged at a standard rate £225 per hour plus VAT, subject to annual review. If our hourly rate changes, we will give you advance notice 14 days before we begin to apply the revised rate.

In a narrow category of cases, it might be possible to agree a lower hourly rate or fixed fee depending upon the case, type of services requested and potential time that we may need to spend upon carrying out instructions on your behalf.

If we agree to represent you, we will provide you our client care letter and terms of business. Our client care letter will provide information that you will need to read in conjunction with our terms of business.

In our client care letter, we will do our best to provide you an estimate of final likely costs but this is not always possible as it is invariably difficult to provide an estimate of the likely costs involved in litigation when there are usually a number of variables and unknown factors. The actual fees you will incur with us will depend on the complexity and urgency of the matter, new facts that may emerge as the case progresses and, how determined your opponent is to fight the case or the respective parties willingness or otherwise to agree an early resolution or settlement. If necessary, a revised estimate can be provided to you once the case has progressed and we have more information.

Our client care letter will do its best to set out, based on the information available the fees payable by you and any disbursements that may need to be paid to third parties. Such costs may include but are not limited to:

  • Court fees
  • Counsels fees
  • Expert reports
  • Process Servers fee
  • Travel charges
  • Official Receivers deposit
  • Land Registry fees
  • Costs Draftsman fees
  • Know Your Client check (KYC)

No VAT is payable on court fees, land registry fees or an official receivers deposit. Click this link to view the latest full range of court fees.